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  • shaikh shanawaz


  • Surya

    Hello Sir,
    I had joined a company in 21 Jan, 2013. I would like to know, Am i eligible for gratuity or when will i eligible for it. One more thing, I would like to tell you, after my joining company had changed the name of the company and sent a mail regarding that at the time of increment, mentioned your employment has transfer to the new company. They did not issue any offer letter and announced in new paper etc. Both the companies are running now as well and doing operations in market but management are saying the employee are working under the new company only. They did it to hide the gratuity of the employee. The company manage as proprietorship and the number of employees are more than 30. So, it is legal for the company they can do like this to hide the employees benefits. Please send me valuable answer, I am waiting.


  • Krishnamurthy v

    I need some information pls help me. I am working under corporate sector factory in karnataka. I am compassionate ground person. Factory appointing as a outsource employe. But that time we don’t know we are out source employee. After 2 years olny we know that. We are asking management but md and gm say 2000 to 2013 company under loss after 2013 government gave a order. Company didnot take a company employe. We are asking forcefully give a confirmation. But management order to 26-07-2017 in future who company employe die that member depending person got a compassionate ground job. But my question is what about my position.

  • Vikas Sharma

    I have resigned. And for handover I am ready to serve 20 days notice period to ensure full and smooth handover. I am also ready to pay the salary in lieu of 40 days.

    The founders of the company have accepted my resignation but are forcing me to serve 60 days notice period. They have threatened me for legal case if I don’t serve the full notice period.

    If I serve for 60 days, the job offer will get cancelled and I will not get any other good job with such good salary further. My family’s financial condition is in distress and hence I am leaving the company.

    Please help and guide me further…

  • Amarjeet kumar

    I want to know that I was worked in a pvt. ltd. Which is involve to take care facilty managments and salary processing in reputed companies I worked there from 15th July 2010 to July 2017.On 14th August I received a discontinuation letter which is illigal no where such condition is given in appointment letter.I tried hard that company again look about their decisn but they refused.I ask and send letters for my gartuity,leave encashment and for compensation but they also not revert .finally I went to regional labour office and asked them to intervene they issued a letter but no any representative comes in given labour office they provide me another day for hearing. Apart from that I also send them a lawyer notice which mention that I will go for leagl action. Still they are mute and no any reverts comes from there end.

    Kindly suggest.

  • Sudhir Kumar Choubey

    Dear sir ,
    I am working with Ruchi Soya Ind. Ltd since 25 Oct 1994 , company is now (Nov 2017)retrenching us and our retrenchment compensation is calculating like this and please reply us is correct or not ?
    Gross salary/2 X Service Years Completed
    23085/2 X 23 =265474/-(two lac sixty five thousand four hundred seventy four only

  • nilesh saini

    it is possible to give vrs to 100% people working in an mnc company. if company has its work orders. and can survive in the market.

  • Hi sir/madam,
    This is Somnath Saha from Kolkata West Bengal
    I had been working with an organization for the last 9 months and my performance are also met..but suddy I was informed i have leav the company due to cost cutting..and when i asked the reason they told they cant afford my monthly wages. Now what should I do??? Pls help me..

  • John Christy

    Payment of Bonus Act will be applicable or not for an IT industry. Kindly help me out.

  • Aditya Singh

    I am an employee at REVA University. It is often happening that the university is forcing the employees to stay back after office hours for forceful entertainment. On one of the last event 18th December 2017. All the employees were invited for inauguration of a new auditorium and administration has locked the exit doors and forced to stay inside for 3-4 hours after working hours. I want to know is it legal or they are violating human rights?

  • Premlata sahoo

    I want to know if there is any guideline for women employee during a strike.

  • Arjun Manoharan

    When do I need to pay my employees with shift allowances?

    I have two teams one working from 1 pm to 10 pm and another from 10 pm to 6 am.

    Please guide

  • S

    Can teachers avail special casual leave without attendance certificate ? Do they need to attend any union programme and produce attendance certificate? If so what is use of spl cl ?



  • JK Grover

    I have not been gratuity till date by my employer after my retirement on 30.6.2016. What is the legal action I can take and authority conerned? I reside at Yamunanagar-135001 Haryana.

  • Ritika

    If workers went on strike without notice
    And management already governed by employment standing order act
    It is the rule of standing order that if workers are absent for a day management will deduct 10 days wages
    Can management do so ..?
    If there is a related case for please send


    Can you help me in the following ?
    I have been joined in a pvt. company in Kerala during 2008 as an administrative trainee on 3 months probation and continued my service without any appointment order till date During my service period, I have received regular annual increment and get epf and esi benefits. The firm is not having certified standing order.the company is having more than 100 employees
    my question is
    1. What is my status whether still I am a trainee or a workman under ID act/any other Indian law please provide relevant section/citation if any
    2. Due to some unfair labour practice, I have compelled to file a petition before labour commissioner in that petition I have wrongly mentioned my position as “working in the capacity of Administrative manager” But they are not issued any order in the above capacity thereafter, I have been suspended with pending inquiry and not allowed subsistence allowance and informed me that, you are worked as administrative manager hence, you are not eligible subsistence allowance under sec.2(a) of the Kerala Payment of Subsistence Allowance Act, 1972. Whether the decision of the management is justified or not ?

    3.The Firm is not having Certified Standing Order, the Kerala Shops &Commercial Establishment Act 1960 is applicable to the firm ?
    With kind regards,

  • Namitha Bhat

    is there any way i can get the details of rules and regulations for the Pigmy agentship.

    rules to be in the role and the procedures to give the resignation to the duty.

    Thanks in advance.

  • Moushmi

    If the company does not have VRS system but they are using tricks to remove employee with demotion and putting on company internal correction plan etc. What an employee should do?
    Is there any provision in law where an employee can go in court for VRS ? His age is 49 years and has completed 12 years in a company.

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